
Planning another Story as well after I finish one of the ongoing ones on here! Watch out for Heartbeat by Kaleigh Rose ;)


Hey kids, sorry i keep dying out of the blue and then returning lmao. ima try and get myself on a schedule. Writing days are gonna be Saturdays for me. Check out my Youtube when its up, posting vids on fridays. Sorry if i miss a few posting days! I'll try my best to stay posting!!


I'm sorry my updates have been all over the place. Its just been a little crazy recently, i'll do my best to get some new updates up. I love you all. Thanks again for supporting me!!


@johnmurphyismydrug uh miss you too? how is you? xD


gonna be taking what he wanted and no one wants to love him down, not because i dont love writing them, i just dont have time to write them anymore and i should focus on the one i have going right now. New update on Tale of Time coming soon!