
I'm just gonna say this now, I've grown out of Murder Drones. And that means that MD:MU and that other Shadow Drones story that I ahev will go discontinued.
          	Now I'm into Gravity Falls so expect fanfics of that series now!
          	This was Kali of the Adorkable clan, I have nothing more to say.


I'm just gonna say this now, I've grown out of Murder Drones. And that means that MD:MU and that other Shadow Drones story that I ahev will go discontinued.
          Now I'm into Gravity Falls so expect fanfics of that series now!
          This was Kali of the Adorkable clan, I have nothing more to say.


I'm back~~
          Please note that I won't be active very often due to school and personal life struggles as well as some complications with my autism but I'll try to be as active as possible from now on
          I have thought it out and have decided that I can't actually post anything on OC.KAL yet so I'll either pick another one of my original stories or just use this account for Murder drones fanfics, I hope you understand!
          Tbis is short but that's all I havs to say, this was Kali of the Adorkable clan, ByEe (for now)!!


I forgot to mention this back when I started going on break but yeah, I'm on break, and I also wrote a bit of OC.KAL in my free time and determined that I won't be able to finish the first chapter when I thought I would so yeah, that's getting delayed too, when MD:MU chapter 2 comes out you will know I'm back from my break, well, partly back, but I'm sure I didn't have ti announce this because no one cares and I'm aware of that, I'm just doing what I love!
          This was Kali of the Adorkable clan, goodbye and good day, see ya in chapter 2 of MD:MU ig-


this message may be offensive
I'm gonna be straying away from MD:MU for a bit to work on other things, just a little heads up, I have lost a bit of motivation for the project ever since I accidentally deleted chapter 2 but I'm not gonna stop posting chapters of it or drop it completely to the relief of literally nobody, but recently I've been wanting to work on something completely my own instead of a fanfic where the main character is a fucking hybrid. My new project that I'll be working on at the same time as MD:MU will be called OC.KAL which is my first ever story that I made when I was 8 and I'm now rewriting, it has all of my main OCs in it as well as some of my siblings OCs and some other characters, it's okay if you don't wanna read it but if a story about a multidimensional spacecrew of superpowered people and other supernatural entities fighting against an evil organisation run by a character that used to be a cringe 2018 gacha OC as they travel through the entire multiverse is something you would like then you might as well consider it because that's exactly what OC.KAL will be like. See ya there if you're gonna at least try the OC.KAL story and if not I'll see you in Chapter two of MD:MU if you're even gonna return but I don't blame you if you don't! You don't have to stay if you don't want to, 
          Thx for reading, this was KaliDorkable of the Adorkable clan, see ya soon!