
Hello everyone I hope you’re having a great week! I just got back from vacation so I’m going to hopefully be more active!


Welcome back :)


          Now post this on everyone's wall who you think deserves all the love in the world
          If you get...
          1 back = You're loved
          3 back = You're popular
          5 back = You're one of the most lovable people out there
          9+ back = Wow, I'm jealous


have a game for you! It's been played since 1977, at least that's what I heard.
          Put this on TEN PEOPLE'S PROFILES within 12 HOURS and your next five days will go like this:
          Day 1) Your crush will hang out with you
          Day 2) You will find £20/$20
          Day 3) You will ace all your tests
          Day 4) You will get what you wanted 
          Day 5) You will gain seven friends
          TEN people in twelve hours, remember! If you don't, your days will be the opposite:
          Day 1) Your crush will hate you
          Day 2) Yoy will lose £20/$20
          Day 3) You will fail all your tests
          Day 4) You won't get the things you've always wanted
          Day 5) You will lose seven friends.
          If you don't have any upcoming tests, you can uninclude Day 3
          Good luck! :)have a game for you! It's been played since 1977, at least that's what I heard.
          Put this on TEN PEOPLE'S PROFILES within 12 HOURS and your next five days will go like this:
          Day 1) Your crush will hang out with you
          Day 2) You will find £20/$20
          Day 3) You will ace all your tests
          Day 4) You will get what you wanted 
          Day 5) You will gain seven friends
          TEN people in twelve hours, remember! If you don't, your days will be the opposite:
          Day 1) Your crush will hate you
          Day 2) Yoy will lose £20/$20
          Day 3) You will fail all your tests
          Day 4) You won't get the things you've always wanted
          Day 5) You will lose seven friends.
          If you don't have any upcoming tests, you can uninclude Day 3
          Good luck! :)


I’m going to be posting the story I’m writing later than planned (probably in the next few days) so I’ll announce the title and main character! 
          The title is “Shifting Tides” and the main character is my OC Tidalwave!


@Kalladerrian I know this is late, but, oooooooo