
I might stop updating Twisted Worlds. That story was made by a young me, and I can't remember what it was supposed to be about. And I cant make an alternative ending to it. I dont know, But I might continue it someday :/


THIS IS WHAT YOU GET ♡ (still love you though)


@Reveriex- If i wasnt so kind I wouldnt be this nice to you ; ∆ ; but sadly I AM ; ∆ ;


Nah we all know you love me ho. ♡u♡


@Reveriex- I hate you ; ∆ ;


I might stop updating Twisted Worlds. That story was made by a young me, and I can't remember what it was supposed to be about. And I cant make an alternative ending to it. I dont know, But I might continue it someday :/


Hey guys, what's up?
          Sorry I've been out for so long. SO much things had happened. We moved houses, got busy, exams, I lost my place in the overall top, battle of the bands and now, exams again.
          Some of you might be planning on unfollowing me since I don't update anymore, but please dont. I just cant find time to update and I hope ypu guys understand. 
          I'm reaaaaally happy about the reads and votes in my fanfics and I wanted to continue them. Once I've settles things, I might return to my normal updating.
          Again, I'm sorry for not updating much, so maybe today, or tomorrow, I'll try to update as much as possible.
          Thank you guys for sticking with me till the end. I love you guys and thanks for the support all throughout :)
          Sincerely, Nicole :>