hI HELLO,, it's been a while :D You may notice that I unpublished Attraction, and that's because, well, I think I'm quitting writing. It's been in the back of my head for a long time now and I could only do it now. I just feel like I lost my initial interest for writing,, I can't continue something so forcefully since it'll affect my writing ._. I'm sorry that you have to see this after waiting for so long and I'd like to thank you all for waiting even if I haven't been updating for a long while. Thank you for your support and for all the emotions you made me feel. My DMs are open to whoever needs someone to talk to,, I'm not going to delete Wattpad or anything so don't worry! I love you all so much <3 - Clairine
@Kalopcholia too late but hey it's totally fine! At least we can read your previous books! Which I personally loved!