
Hey K listen A2 has told me why u both were not replying or call me ......I understood it but it doesn't mean I will let u go......A2 has came here.....Swargi has SURGERY in NY so we are going there and I hv also booked ur flight of date 29 Nov.......till then keep in touch with me...... explain the things to me and A2 about Sajal we both wanna know......Swargi has a risk so her doctor has recommended us to NY's doctor so that's we r going there......and please at least now I hope u answer me or call me A2 has explained to be so I am not that much angry just a little.....and if u will still not answer us then I think we don't have to be frnds anymore since u don't consider us as ur Bros and frnds......I am with u A2 is with u even for u Swargi is with u against her family.....she is conscious but not in a good condition she has been missing u too much u hv not been even called do u know we must hv been ny now but she kept waiting for u that u will come but u didn't.......when she came back to sense the first word she said was K and u know what you mean to her......when she saw A2 do know she just hug him and cry for almost 2 hours in his embrace and kept asking about u she also know the reason about ur disappearence....u know she can easily guess it u didn't come so we r taking her to ny bcoz doctor has said her condition may worse ......and we hv also try to ask her about Sajal but on his name she just keep silent and will fake sleep I hope I may got my answers from u........and yaa don't wry u can chat here coz I don't care what anyone think but if anyone try to say a wrd about S then we will see what to do with him/her .....our phone may be unreachable reason we don't know but we know it's due to her father....good bye and take care


@PrasiddhiNayak11 hey thanks for your concern