A pretentious human in love with the concept of authenticity.

I go by the titles:
> "a hipster"
> "definitely some girl you'd find in Tumblr"
> "this emo kid"
> "can only play the ukulele because her fingers are too short for guitar"
> "could be a model... but she's too short"
> "can cook. that's a plus"
> "sings pretty well"

...this list may update. Better watch out.
  • In Your Closet to Narnia
  • Дата регистрацииNovember 17, 2012

Последнее сообщение
Kalyene Kalyene Jun 06, 2013 11:58AM
@elenacrowner sure! ^_^ akin rin o.o lol joke. kung gusto mong basahin akin, your so welcome to do so :)))) 
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История от Kalyene
Poetry Tree от Kalyene
Poetry Tree
This is a collection of poems I've written by myself. This will be on going because this isn't a story, it's...
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