this message may be offensive
I think it’s interesting how many people hate Oliver/Keith’s character and wish he wasn’t the one who got to marry Rae.
So often in women’s books the brooding, jackass, verbally abusive guy is seen as sexy, because we write him that way. And I’m not saying Oliver/Keith is perfect by any means but Orion is worse by a long shot.
Those kinds of books that make a character a total jerk but then pass it off as ok because he is really hot and has a big , they are bad for women. They teach us it’s ok to be treated that way and we should stay in those relationships because he is attractive and mysterious and really great in the sack. But he talks down to you and demands things without so much as a please or thank you.
I know it’s only a book and believe me, I’ve read my fair share of sexy brooding guys who totally do it for me, I’m looking at you Christian Grey, but I want to try to be that voice that empowers women to be strong and independent and stand up for themselves because they deserve better than to be called things like a slut and a whore for loving sex and want to show off their bodies.
If you think Orion is a wonderful dude who deserves Raegans love, go back and read the first few chapters again.
Because he doesn’t.
Anyways, end of rant ❤️ thank you to everyone who read my book. Even if you hated it, I still appreciate you taking the time to read it and let me know what you think