@KamenRider181 if you decide to do a rwby x naruto fic . Jaune could use canon semblance to replicate some of the sharingan techniques and the senju/uzumaki adaptive healing. He could amp his brain simulate the first ability of the sharingan which is to process large amounts of info in a short time.
He could use it to learn, train, read up on all that he missed out on to form his own opinion and delegate roles during combat after forming the plan in his head.
He doesn't even need to ditch knight look, just adjust it while opening himself to learn new style rather than keeping to one weapon type.
While Pyrrha has similar weapon, the style associated with them are different to croceamors. He could sign up with a guild part time to do more diverse missions and earn money for training and resources for him to grow slow and steady and gain real confidence in himself and his ability. Plus after school out side beacon to learn to build weapons as well as the lessons he could have learned prior to beacon.
Some world building to fill plot holes to keep chapters going while helping his team jnpr to develop.
Minimum bashing.
Jaune could learn about aura when he goes to acquire the transcript and decides to pay extra to unlock it. Another option is to choose to have his aura unlocked and use the rest of his money to register at the guild to gain real time exp as well as legal transcripts to get for beacon's intimation.
Just a thought. Sorry for the word blast.