


listen up everyone!
          I, THEE Queen of Crab, have decided to open a Lucy x harem contest!
          i still dont have any judges; be my guest and take a shot! 
          I will personnaly discuss the details on  my gmail account;
          For those who are interested, stay tuned, i'll  give out the tag as soon as i get my judges together. 
          From yours truly,
          THEE Queen of Crab, 


I wanna say thanks to all my followers and those who vote on my storys,  even though I haven't done much due to lack of time. Thanks again!!! 
          Je voulait remercier ceux qui me suivent et ceux qui votent sur mes histoires, même si je n'ai pas publié depuis un long moment du au fait que je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps.  Merci encore!!