
I'm still living if that counts for anything. So so many things happening, but I still find myself coming back here when I have a moment to spare.


Sorry about another late update. With marching band going on and school around the corner, I don't want to keep worrying about updating so I'm going on a hiatus for some time. How long I don't know but with everything that is happening in the world and the craziness around school, I'm worried and extremely anxious about all of this. I need a break to chill out and just focus on that before I lose my mind. Once school starts and I see how my schedule is I will think about updating regularly again. Thanks, guys! (Even though I'm talking to a silent crowd, it's fine)


*Takes a deep breath*
          I POSTED THE FIRST CHAPTER!!! Okay, it took a bit of courage, but I have been teasing an original for a little while now, and Fire Stone is what I have been working on and planning for a long time coming now. Man, I don't really know if I have anything to say that is worthwhile. I love fantasy, and I have wanted to try writing one since I knew what the word ment!
          Silver Cyclone wasn't nearly as hard for me considering that it is a fanfiction and I could just go off of what is already out there. Hopefully, I can make Fire Stone on par with it or even better! I can't wait to go on this journey with you guys!
          As of now, I will update every Friday (not counting this Friday, next chapter drops next Friday :D)


I'm not dead, I swear. I have a work in progress that I really want to post but I am really struggling with how to start it. Now that I don't have any school work to do and I am extremely bored, I keep writing little skits with all of my characters. It seems like every second I get a new idea, completely unrelated to everything else that I've done. That is part of the reason why there are 20+ unposted drafts on my account... :0
          Sometimes I wonder if I should try to have some kind of theme with the stories I post on this account, but then I realize I would be glad to write almost anything. (except romance, there is plenty of that already out there XD) 
          My biggest problem is sticking to an idea for long enough to make it into something more than a one-off. I do have something like that in mind, and I have mentioned something like that when I was still actively writing Sliver Cyclone. I know that I have been extremely inactive, but I want to come back. This has become longer than I wanted to, so hopefully you guys will stick around long enough for me to work enough into my wip to bother to post it. :D


BOOOM 900 READS THANKS SO MUCH GUYS HEARTS TO ALL OF YOU! I have a special chapter planned and prewritten for 1k, and I know you wanna see it! I'm pretty sure since reads have been skyrocketing since I started updating again it won't be too long before we hit 3 zeros! AGGGG I NEVER WOULD HAVE DREAMED THIS COULD HAPPEN *GOES SUPER SAYAN*