
I need writing help  I’m not a good writer but I love doing it 


I don't know how to write Kacchans parts without it either getting cringed or mischaracterizing him. 
          Now I wanna right a new story, what is wrong with me!!!


@Kaminari-1 I'm going to work on both of the stories I want to write and we'll see which comes out first. The new story is going to be called, "Two snaps and I break" Its a deaf bakugo, Kiribaku story. 


Just finished chapter 1 of "Only a cartwheel away but I wanna finish a couple more chapters before I publish it so I have chapters to put out while I work on the others. 
          Cross your fingers this comes out by atleast late feburary!!


I might have a good story coming out soon, maybe around February. Highly inspired bye "I'll be there (KIRIBAKU)" by phantom_lare so credits to them for the idea, I hope they don't mind but I love their work and that story. My story is going to be called "only a cartwheel away" ands it's a kiribaku fanfic


@Kaminari-1 change my mind, mid February or march possibly 