Hey Yall! I missed you guys immensely and I appreciate all the support I've received from this website over the years. I do not plan to leave because I love it. However, I am going to be pulling most of my finished works because I've revamped and self-published. I've not noticed any support from my wattpad family and I believe it's because you guys do not realize the books are different and edited. I am going to remove any content associated with the royal series. I will republish teasers and fillers for the sole purpose of promoting these novels. I will include the link to my website where the finished version can be purchased. If you need to contact me with any questions or concerns, I still check my inbox and my website is an easy way to contact me. I will be writing new material to try on wattpad for fans still interested in reading my drafts. It's all love and business. I still love yall though- Kane

@amberc1987 Yes Maam. I am so Happy with the adult version I've created. I love the chance to share it. Thank you for that support. The link to the ebook version on Amazon is right here...https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B07JMW85DB&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_wzeLCbF4NGH59