Uh... Hey peoples. Happy fourth of July...? We've been outside all day doing water fights, playing games, and having fun! It was honestly amazing. We have some new friends, but sadly they're gonna leave in about five days. They're really sporty, so I like to mess around with them. My brother, on the other hand, is very non-athletic and resents any type of movement (besides eating, of course.) And I'm sorry that I haven't been on all day, but now I have time! Not tomorrow, though. I'll be outside a lot for the next few months, so be prepared for slow, unruly, and rushed updates. Yes, I am thinking of doing a book schedule, because I have ideas for Twins, but my bro won't let me write in there til I get 2k readers on Buttercup. Buttercup has some very sensitive topics, if you ever want to read it. Just warnin' y'all. So yeah. I hope you guys had a good Independence Day! Mine was fun
~ • Butter •