
Dear readers,
          	As you all have been waiting patiently, I finally wrote the ending of the suicide spirit arc. In my Ghost Hunters BTS.
          	 I hope you all enjoy it and I will try to update more regularly. I'm just rebuilding my life here in Japan, because...... AFTER 10 YEARS OF FIGHTING THE IMPOSSIBLE I MANAGED TO GET A WORKING VISA!! WOOHOOOOOOOOO!!! (Be happy for me)
          	So, enjoy and again, thanks for your patience. I hope you will think it's worth the wait.


Dear readers,
          As you all have been waiting patiently, I finally wrote the ending of the suicide spirit arc. In my Ghost Hunters BTS.
           I hope you all enjoy it and I will try to update more regularly. I'm just rebuilding my life here in Japan, because...... AFTER 10 YEARS OF FIGHTING THE IMPOSSIBLE I MANAGED TO GET A WORKING VISA!! WOOHOOOOOOOOO!!! (Be happy for me)
          So, enjoy and again, thanks for your patience. I hope you will think it's worth the wait.


Dear readers.
          Enjoy the latest chapter of Ghost Hunters BTS. Come get it while it is hot.
          I apologise it took so long, but I have been mentally very occupied recently.
          I'll try to write whenever I can; and maybe now you have an excuse to re-read the story so you are back up to date with what was happening ;)


@KanpekiHime hi! It's really really good to read unnie but can I have a request? Can you do ot7 love ending and it's ok if not I understand I support your decision unnie! Good luck


Heyy, how are you?


@ Amaznnaoiiyyy  i'm fine. I just moved and travelled so august was kinda very busy for me. I hoped by travellingnto get some inspiration juices flowing but I only got tired.
            I did get my first tattoo, and am now preparing to go for a bellytuck, booblift and thighlift in october. In december I have booked a trip to Brasil and South africa and in Januari I will return to Japan.
            How are you?


Dearest Readers.
          I have good and bad news. It is both the same news, but to you it will be good, but for me it isn't.
          From 22/5 I will have a surgery and be in a cast for 8-10 weeks with a restriction of putting weight on it. I will be bedridden for so long, and no work. I'm very nervous and scared about it. It will be very painful and long recovery. So that's the bad news.
          This does mean good news. I will have more time and so also more energy to write on some of my stories. I will try and do so, and finish up some stories while making some reserve chapters to gradually post it in a period I might be struck by writers block or when I'm too busy/distracted to write.
          Please, I need your prayers and luckwishes. I have a driving exam in 3 days, and got a lot riding on it (no pun intended). It might be my last change at getting my license. I will not have time after that.
          Not just because of the cast surgery, but because after that cast is gone, I will also do some plastic surgery because I lost a lot of weight with a stomach surgery. I have plenty of skin left so they are going to remove that. Also I will get a booblift. It is going to be a painful and hard time too. And again with lots of free time. But I did hear the pain is very intense for it too. It seems like the whole summer and part of fall is going to be a period of constant intense pain for me. I am NOT looking forward to that. So please, your prayers and well-wishes would go a long way.
          Thank you for your support and as always: recommend my stories to friends, read some of my other ones if you haven't already, let me know in the comments of the chapter what you think and encourage me like this. Your input and feedback is important to me. Helps me to write.


@ pweaseletmego  hahahaha yes you do. Get readin'! 


@KanpekiHime I hope you are healing and doing well. I actually was searching for you book what the heart wants for many months to vote. But after coming here it looks like I have a lot of voting and reading work to do.


@KanpekiHime oh! and I forgot to say that I was reading  "Fighting for your Soul" I love it!


Dear readers,
          I recently posted a new chapter on the ghost hunters story, I might have found some time and inspiration to write a bit after receiving a major emergency surgery on my birthday, while also getting Christmas ruined the day after my surgery, and now because of flu, my friend cancelled on my NYE plans too. So I'm home, I'm bored and have plenty of time and energy to start writing again. 
          If ghost hunters bts isn't your followed story, I'll try and write for the other ongoings too. But sometimes it's hard when you got time and energy, but no inspiration. I don't want to produce cliché or chapters I'm not happy with. 
          So please, be patient a bit more and keep following your favorite story for a possible update. Also (if you haven't done that before) check out some of my other stories and give them stars. Thank you so much for your continued support and know that I love and respect you all a lot. If you got any comments on things happening in my story, do comment about it, it might give me a boost of inspiration. It happened one time with Ghost hunters, it can do it again, and also for the other ongoing stories. If you really want to help, comment on chapters with your own ideas or emotions. Thanks!
          Lots of love and blessings for the new year 2023!!!


Dear readers,
          As you've might have noticed from my stories, I have an obsession with Japan. I am actually studying this month for a major exam that could result in a decent working visa for me. So i decided to focus on that now for the coming month. I hope you all understand. I should have started studying sooner but frankly I didn't have the courage annd now I have to cram a lot in a short time.
          I don't want Namjoon to shave my eyebrows 
          I'll probably be back in december. Please be patient. Thank you all! In mean time, if you haven't read some of my other stories, give them a whirl. 
          Lots of love


@ KanpekiHime  it's N4 JLPT. I am homestudying. The criteria are: a n4 certificate and the tpkutei exam certificate. It is a test i took in japan about 1 of the professions they offer. (The ones where you rarely find people for to do). Mine was restaurant. So with that visa i will only be able to do restaurant. Not any other job. That's the requirement for having that visa


@KanpekiHime can you say the course and criteria am curious 


As the wind splash my face
          As the wind splash my face
          I see you 
          Slowly slowly flowing away
          I know am the reason ,
          I know am the reason,
          But as it gives shivers ,
          I regret ,I regret not being by your side,
          I know you're nearby wishing me ,
          I know you're nearby me,
          But I have already became blind,
          Already a blind
          As the wind splash sprinkle of rain 
          As the wind splash
          I see the things I regret doing
          Regret doing,
          I gave up my eyesight,
          Gave up my eyesight,
          Wind splashed and splashed harsher everytime,
          Harsher everytime,
          I know am the reason,
          I know am the reason,
          As you slowly slowly flew past ,
          Flow past me
          The splash let me see you
          The wind splashed against my face
          Splashed against my face,
          Regret is all that is left,
          The wind splashed and splashed,
          It finally left me,but I feel heavy without it!
          Heavy without it


To all my loyal readers of Ghost Hunters BTs:
          I was on a break but got inspiration for a new aec. After the Mama Lia arc I'll have a new one in store.
           Please look forward to it. 
          I will start to write again soon and once I got a good direction and flow going, I'll spam you with updates. Promise. 


Corrections for typo's in message:
              BTs= BTS*


On the bridge fence ,
          Swinging my legs ,
          Into the soothing air,
          I still remember,
          The warmth you gave,
          As the wind blows my hairs ,
          Peeking into my skull
          I feel the solace you gave
          U der the limelight of sunset ,
          I feel the encouraging touch of you.
          I wish I can hold your hands when I swing my legs into water, having a protective hands over my shoulder,
          I wish