
considering most of the reads on Curtains Up is probably people starting and not continuing reading my story I'm happy at least 470-something people at least tried it


Hey I just wanted to say that I really like reading your Law & Order 'My one and only' story and I was wondering when the next chapter would be coming out. Also if Velasco would ask Carisi for permission to ask Violet to merry him. Also if there would be any SVU drama that would show up some how.


Hello everyone, 
          I normally don't ask much of you guys. I actually never ask this of anyone, but when you are reading my stories, fanfics and imagines, please please please please comment on it. I want to know what you all are thinking of it. I'm really insecure about my writing so writing/posting to "ghosts" doesn't really help me, it actually makes me not want to write. The comment doesn't have to be long, I just want you guys and girls and whatever you identify yourself as to please just write something. It could for example be something you would like to see happen in said story/fanfic, as I am very flexible with ideas, or if you see something I have spelt wrong, misplaced or it just wonky, tell me (just not in a mean spirited way). I want to imporve my writing (and English) as it isn't my first language, and I also want my writing to be for YOU lovely people. You are the reason I am still here and writing (well you and CJ) and if I am writing to silent people I can't improve for you, because I'm not psychic (unfortunately). So please, please, please, PLEASE! comment (and it also doesn't hurt to vote and share either). I'm not asking you to assign me as your Queen (because I'm not Queen material), just please, because ... reasons!
          with love,
          - Karen


So as there are stuff I'm no longer working on or no longer have interest in working on I will start cleaning out my "work" folder on here and delete some stories. but that doenst mean you should stop following me or reading the stuff that does stay on my wattpad. 
          As of reads, comments and votes: I write because I want to inspire people and give them joy and perhaps even have them thinking, so when I post a new chapter or a new story the least you can do is vote and type out a comment or two. I do that when I read something I like. it doesnt take long, and think about it, if you see something you wish was different you can comment or inbox me, tell me what you think and I can fix it if its fixable, if not you'll just sit there and be annoyed with something that could actually be fixed.