
My dear people, if you want to read an insanely good chapter that i managed to write in a few hours because my writers block is finally gone...go check out the edited chapter 7 of Lilliana's Fall!


@royaltyprinceton1 oh that haha. Yeah I guess I'm breaking some rules but I dont think that's uncommon. I don't like using the word "I" because that really ties me down to solely what that person can see, hear, feel, touch. If I write in a certain person's view but without using the word "I" it is like you are there with the person but you're not the person. Also then if I need to i can write things the character might not notice but the reader needs to know. I'm too tired to really look it up right now but I'm pretty sure that's consistently third person or close to it. Also, I do hope you're not beggining with Max's book. It's the 4th book in the series and every single one of them is written close to that style. Also, I've started rewriting them so I suggest reading only the revised chapters in Lilliana's Fall until I start getting them up faster.


just so you all know... I've been going though my stories and I've decided they are in dire need of editing. so... I'm starting with Lillianas Fall. the first edited chapter is up. I, honestly, love that edited chapter so much more. the books will get better. just be patient bc I am in college and all... haha