HEY readers of All Great Power,
I just wanted to give you all an update and an apology of sorts. Writing is definitely something I do in my spare time yet I still am disappointed. I would have liked to have had more focus on publishing chapters.
Over the past year, I've had a lot of problems with migraines. I was having them pretty much every day just a few months ago. Obviously that keeps me from working on my fanfic when I can't look at the screen. Having migraines so often with a mix of other symptoms kept me from doing lots of things I normally love and I am dealing with some depression. Thankfully, I've made serious improvements with the help of medication and my beloved chiropractor (YAY!).
I wanted to thank you all for reading, as always, and for your support on Jenn's story. It truly brightens my day to see that people are reading and voting on All Great Power! I ask for some more patience and hopefully, I will be able to complete it.