Please don't do it. I may not know you but please know that I understand what you're going through. If you need to talk I'm here for you, you can take as much time as you need. I don't care if it's a day, week, month, or week. You need time to recollect your thoughts, to balance out your physical, mental, and social health. All three of these are part of the health triangle so if one side is uneven, the other two will fall apart because they're all equal. There's no need to feel guilty because it isn't your fault but theirs because they can't understand, comprehend that I, we, or you have lives outside of social media. We also have personal lives and personal issues that we need to deal with and if people can't see that then I don't know what. Every single there's at least 5% - 10% people on Wattpad dealing with stress, (I think I used the statistics properly, I'm not sure) but say nothing because this is the only way they can get away from reality. Media is just a fake world where you can create your fantasies to try to get away from your problems.