I know this is sort of out of the blue to most of you but;
I feel like nobody is really checking into "Engraved" after the beginning because the most recent chapter has 2 reads.......
Who wants me to update???? Just letting you all know, each time I update a chapter, it takes away from my time - no matter how much I enjoy it. I have many obligations at the moment and time is a precious thing. I dont know if many of you *ahem, cant be that many (I have under 30 followers) but besides that, I was thinking that some of you might be thinking that "Engraved" was going to be another cliche and tasteless story; it's definitely not - I have so many different scenarios and plans for it - just let me get there, everyone is giving up on me so fast!!!!!!
I know I previously stated that I would update by June 20, but I am now extending my update frame in between now until July 11th.
Thanks, for understanding.