
I added a short essay to My Short Stories. Am I allowed to use the banner that I did? [insert smiling devil emoji]


Heyo! I updated so much on here including new cover art for my published stories, a new part to The "About Me" Tag, a new profile picture/banner, and finally, I updated my location to Middle of Nowhere, Ohio lol. Give the new part a read if you'd be so kind. Thanks my precious few followers <3


        Hi guys, I noticed some of you, (*gollum voice* my precious) few followers read my little short story thing. Can I get some honest feedback? I don't care if you hated it, please tell me. I'm always trying to improve. Also, I swear I've got some better stuff coming. Im currently working on something I'm actually really proud of, it just has to be perfect before I actually publish any of it. And oops I'm hard on myself so it might be awhile. Sorry. 


In case you didn't get a spam of emails, I just published my first story. Well, Short Stories actually. Deal with it. Seriously, I hope you guys like it. It's nothing special really. Just a teaser to keep you waiting while I write an actual story. There's no point in lying, it's not close to being done, but I'm really happy with this secret story of mine so far!! Have fun reading my probably trash writing :)