Since everybody has been so patient in waiting for updates - if you guys are still here that is ;) - here’s a list of stories I have in order of what’s going to be revised…as well as…drumroll please…a new story!!!!!!!
Now, this isn’t a promise to say you guys will see the new story anytime soon, so as of right now all you need to hear is that this story is loosely based off my first Dungeons and Dragons character, Annora!
The prologue, first and second chapter are written and awaiting proper editing to ensure I don’t have to re-write this series (sigh).
That being said, here’s the long awaited list of the stories I have lined up to be revised, and the order I plan on uploading them in!
-The Red Warrior
-The Mark Of Destination
-Bedtime Stories (Adding up to 50+ stories and revising the originals)
-?????? (This one, unfortunately, has to stay a surprise!!)
-The Estranged Shore (Dungeons and Dragons new story!)
Thank you everybody again!
Yours truly,