
Hello everyone, let me know if you want anything to be updated, whether through PM or on here. I’m also open for requests. 


A salute to the cops who just lost their lives on Thursday, April 19, 2018, in the county I live in. Thank you for all your service and thank you for risking your lives for us. 
          All the cops, veterans, war hero’s, soldiers who put their lives on the line for us, thank you so much for your service. I love you guys. 


So, I’ve been thinking a lot on this subject lately and I feel the need to say it to you all. You can hate me for it. You can scream and yell at me and call me unpleasant things. You can unfollow me and tell others not to follow me. You can report me for all I care. But what I need to say is that, making threats is a childish game to play. We all need to grow up. I don’t want to be rude, mean, or nasty. But sometimes things like this are best to be said. We need to live as a community not going against each other. Hating on each other each breath we take. We should stand together for what’s right. Not for what’s wrong. Violence isn’t always the key and yet we humans still use it. We use it against each other. People wonder what will destroy man kind or what we fear the most and it’s sad to say but we are what we fear. We, humans, are going to be the cause of our downfall and destruction and until that day comes we will fear it constantly. Our fear we have because of that is building up on the inside of us and it’s causing us to take it out on others. Please guys. We need to stop that. We need to be there for each other, not destroy each other and threaten each other. That’s all I really have to say for now. Love you all. 


I want everyone to know that you all are beautiful in your own way. I’m not usually one for sappy stuff but I feel the need to say this. We’re all special in our own way and don’t let anyone tell you other wise. Trust me on that one. If you need anyone to talk to I’m here. And if you don’t have a good home life people those of use who are on WattPad most of us anyways we got you! We have your back and will be there for you. I love you all. 




I wanted to be your 100th but I'll contribute and be your 99th!!