
I have fallen into madness and and have gone somewhere I thought I would never have gone. I have taken the plunge and have begun posting THE DARKEST NIGHT. My only saving grace is that no one will stop by. no one will visit that world. So, it's a case of damned if they do, and damned if they don't. 
          	THE DARKEST NIGHT - A tale of lust, abduction, captivity, and gruesome murder. A concoction downright steamy at times and utterly terrifying at others to a point it eventually has to be asked … am I really doing this? I mean, really?


I have fallen into madness and and have gone somewhere I thought I would never have gone. I have taken the plunge and have begun posting THE DARKEST NIGHT. My only saving grace is that no one will stop by. no one will visit that world. So, it's a case of damned if they do, and damned if they don't. 
          THE DARKEST NIGHT - A tale of lust, abduction, captivity, and gruesome murder. A concoction downright steamy at times and utterly terrifying at others to a point it eventually has to be asked … am I really doing this? I mean, really?


COMING SOON: - My NaNoWriMo project for 2023 ... THE DAERKEST NIGHT. 
          A tale of lust, abduction, captivity, and murder. A concoction downright steamy at times and utterly terrifying at others to a point it eventually has to be asked … am I really doing this? I mean really?
          Little out of my comfort zone but what the hell. Happy NaNo'ing to all taking it on this November.


What the hell? Might as well throw this one out there, with the time of year it so happens to be and all. Three years ago, I thought I may as well attempt to write a Valentine story that is not in the vicinity of being a typical kind of story for the time of year. I thought I might get two thousand words or so and ended up writing more than three times that. Initially I thought I had four individual stories that could stand together or keep to a socially acceptable distance from one another and this came a full year or so before social distancing along with all sorts of lockdown, would begin to take a grip upon the real world. In the here an now, I believe it best to put distancing behind us and this tale should stand as one tale, not four. At that, not all Valentines are happy ones. https://www.wattpad.com/story/293499218-not-a-happy-valentine


Every year trying to be upbeat gets harder 


Whether it is for a story I will read or may not read, I find it interesting how some writers come up with their stories. For those of you who are like minded, allow me to tell you about one of mine ... a story called MISSING ...
          The night of July 23rd going into the morning of July 24th 2015 I had a dream as I slept, a dream that played like a movie. When I woke, I felt I just had to write it. It wanted to come out. I wrote over 2,700 words then and there before doing anything else. A week later and a story became complete at a little over 7,700 words.
          This, for a long time, was something I really wanted to return to. There was and is so much more that I thought could be done with this tale, so as January 2022  comes to a close, a return does come to that world. Those 7,7000 words have become 8,600 words of an opening story in this ... world. The time has come to explore this world a little further ...


Earlier this year, I took down most everything I had previously posted. Some of what I had up had been written so long ago that I think it should go bye-bye for good. For the most part, everything else will get or has got a once over before going back up.
          I previously had two zombie stories posted on my page and in the time they have been gone I had begun to write a third, so I had the thought of combining all three into one tale instead of having three three zombie tales. Thus, this is what is coming.
          It probably won't be officially posted until the new year, but since Christmas is coming I have decided to open the story at this time of year, so I've gone ahead and posted said opening.
          Anyone up for making a cover for my zombie story?? Give me a shout if you would, and of course you'll be credited for it if I use it. CHRISTMAS IS COMING. Wishing an awesome end of year to you all ... well to all who see this :-)


@KarlOConnor cool. PM me your email so I can send you what I do. :)


@Nyhterides excellent.  I'M  going with the title Beautiful Dreamer. Some thoughts ... a young lady, a 12 year old boy and a middle aged-older aged priest are among the main characters. It's a zombie tale. A church and a fire play big parts  as do dreams a 'beautiful' future.  Anything you fancy, I'm sure would be great.


@KarlOConnor I can definitely try! Just give me a title (and any writing you want on the cover) and what kind of cover you have in mind and I'll see what I can do.


Hey @KarlOConnor 
          Hope you are doing well.
          I am about to read your “Out of the Shadows”.
          Are you finish your re-write/edits?


Things are good. My last posts were in my Poetic Sketches series of poems.
            I will give out of the shadows a complete read.


@pdoneil Ah, my friend. Always so good to hear from you. Yeah, OUT OF THE SHADOWS is done for now. It probably will get some sort of revision somewhere in the future, sometime most likely way off. Unfortunately, I don't get many readers, if any at all, so I've no idea what anyone might make of it. By far, it is the longest story I've ever written and I completely enjoyed writing it. 
            How are things with you? Anything new recently or upcoming by you? Best wishes my friend.


Finally, after three and a half years, I have written an ending for OUT OF THE SHADOWS. The story will need further editing in time, for now I will leave it be and move on to something else, not that any of this matters to anyone other than myself. Still, fun is fun.


Not that it will matter to anyone other than myself, I think a time to purge will be coming soon. Take down almost everything and start over. Bin some, keep some and give the rest of it a once over. Will be a big project to take on and it may just see me bring my writing days to an end once it is done. Anyhow, this right here is more to motivate myself to actually go do it more than anything else. Happy Friday :-)


Yeah, something to look forward to, in an odd way.


@KarlOConnor I did the same thing. We all need to reevaluate our work from time to time. It's like cleaning our room, and it's a good experience.


Yeah, it could get interesting 