Happy New Year! ❤️
I know I’m late in saying that but it still is technically a new year so that’s that. 2023 has been one heck of a ride. Lots of changes happened, we adapted, and we conquered. I personally made some friends and lost some but that’s part of growth. Hopefully, 2024 is a much lighter year for us that is filled with good and exciting memories and adventures that we will cherish.
I pray that this 2024, we all succeed in our own personal endeavors and we may be filled with creativity and be a source of inspiration to others. May we all receive patience, creativity, strength, and good health so that we can enjoy the year to its fullest potential. To all students just like myself, I pray that we receive the amount of recognition that we deserve for the amount of effort that we put in our academics and I also pray for mental fortitude that we badly need as students nowadays.
I also pray for more love in the world and more opportunities for everyone. Not just the privileged but also those who are considered the least, lost, and last.
Hopefully 2024 will be a good year for me to do more writing and explore new realms of creativity that I haven’t ventured to before. If not, then I just hope that 2024 will be a good year filled with celebrations and happiness.
With that, of course I want to start the New Year by giving you all a brand new one-shot entitled ‘Greatest Fathers’ which can be found in my book ‘Smut & Fluff’. The link below will redirect you to the aforementioned one-shot and I hope you guys like it. If you like it, don’t forget to vote, comment, and share the story to others.
I love you all, thank you, stay safe, and once again, Happy New Year! ❤️