hey guys! Sorry I was never active, AND YES I'M UPDATING AT (I am 10 now, I am allowed to say a few bad words. Thanks mom and dad XD) FREAKING 2 AM!! IT'S A HABIT!! Anyways. I am sorry I wasnt active. Where I live I have the week off because of spring break and it wasnt all spring it was more winter since snow came out of no where... bu enough of that, what I mean is. I was having fun during the week, 'cause I have a cousin in law named Hannah! Yey!! And she's alot like me.. and I mean ALOT, we are creative, we love minecraft, we love ponies, (mostly because we play with them and yes I mean play. I am 10 BUT I AM NEVER TO YOUNG FOR PONIES MWAHAHA!! >:3) and she was visiting all week. And I mean LITERALLY, through sunday, and pretty much tonight (or last night, since it is 2 am..) when her dad took her home. And I had a bit of writers block, sowwy!! Hope you understand this detailed (and long..) message. KarmaMuzquiz signing off.