
How is everyone today? Where yall from? What inspires you to write? 


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@MysticPenguin requested me to write 10 things about myself. I'm gonna get super personal.. You've been warned. 
          1) My father was an alcoholic so growing up I don't remember ever seeing him sober. 
          2) I had a rough childhood, parents always fought, never had much money, was molested... Yea, it was rough...
          3) 3 years ago I was abused by my ex, not as much physical as mental, but I have literally no confidence left and men give me panic attacks. 
          4) My parents split up a little over a year ago.. I live with my mom and my brothers live with my dad. 
          5) I came out as bisexual to my mom and she thinks it's just a phase but I've liked girls since I was 11 or 12.. I forced myself to be a normal girl and stuff but I was raised with boys and they betrayed me. My ex only confirmed what I knew already. 
          6) I an bullied in school. I go to an almost all white kid hick school, racism does still exist and if you're dark skinned, you will be put through hell. 13 years I've dealt with everything under the Sun. It doesn't get to me anymore until it's the people who were my friends. 
          7) I don't have many friends. I've one person I call my best friend. She makes me question it though... I've internet friends.. Bout it.
          8) Alcohol and pills have gotten me this far. I'm only 18 years old, but fuck the police!
          9) Yes, I'm depressed and most of what I say is depressing but I write as I feel at the moment I am writing. Kinda what I've always done. 
          10) My favorite color has always been purple and my favorite food is Italian, chicken Alfredo with garlic sticks! 
          I'm an open book. If yall ever wanna know anything don't be afraid to ask! Thanks for all the new follows and I dont know anyone really but if this inspires you at all. Take this as a challenge, open up, and make sure you give me a shout out! 


I just wanted to day a huge thanks to all my new followers, I've been going through a rough patch, I just started writing again.. Its been half a year since I've been able to come up with anything so I am not gonna guarantee anything I've written is good! Lol stay beautiful!