
Walalaykum wasalaam wa ramatullah wa barakutu Uhkti!!  
          	Great to meet you!!  It is awesome meeting sisters!!!  Love it!!  
          	Jazakullah Khairan for the welcome!


Asalamu alyki wa rahmet allah wa barakatuh, ukti,
          I just came to say congratulations on entering Islam, I'm happy to have a new Islamic sister! May Allah light your path to the highest level of Paradise.


Walaykum wasalaam wa rahmatullah wa barakatu back at you!!! 
            Jazakullah khairan!!!  If it wasn't for all the sisters I have met I don't know what I would have done!!


Salaam Alaykum Aisha! I just wanted to thank you for reading my story 'Words'!! And also MashAllah on your conversion.. If that makes sense :P
          You should write your story some time, I'm sure many people would be interested, (I know I am!) and also it would be something new here! =D


Walaykum wasalaam wa rahmatullah wa barakutu uhkti!!


I am going to start on it but since I'm alive it may be ongoing and I'm not allowed online at my family's house due to my Muslim reverting and that I know follow Muslim things.