- side note - Another reason why I'm deciding to take a break is because lately I haven't been having any ideas for any of my stories. Maybe because I've been lacking motivation because these past couple weeks, I've been at home, but I haven't even touched wattpad. -
I won't be doing like just kpop or anything, but more of like songs that I really like and that I think fits my voice. Also, after school, I'm planning to get back into playing my guitar again and getting used to it again. I've probably said that to my friends a couple times, but this time I want to do it FOR REAL. I'll be coming home and practicing my guitar and my ukelele whenever I'm done with everything and if I have the time, instead of just focusing on wattpad or maybe just social media in general.
I already have a few songs in mind that I really like and that I think would fit my voice. If you have any suggestions on giving my channel a better name or maybe a song that you'd want me to do in the future, feel free to comment your suggestions/opinions. <---- Wow, now I just sound annoying.