A little bit of Drarry, a tiny smige of Tododeku, and a WHOLE BUNCH of Kiribaku.

  • انضمApril 6, 2018

الرسالة الأخيرة
Kasai_Bakushima Kasai_Bakushima Jul 29, 2019 12:58PM
Okay so I just got back from Jesus sleepaway camp and my counselor was so FREAKING CHILL that she let us have sleepovers in eachother's dorms (which we aren't usually allowed to do) and she let us st...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم Kasai Bakushima
something else بقلم Kasai_Bakushima
something else
just a weird story I am making up as I go along. it's probably not going to go anywhere....
KIRIBAKU بقلم Kasai_Bakushima
i have started watching anime so if you have any you think i MIGHT like then tell me!!! And also... Yes, i di...
A Day In Life Of Kasai بقلم Kasai_Bakushima
A Day In Life Of Kasai
just a bunch of memes and stuff... Kasai is the daughter of Eijiro (red riot) and Katsuki (ground zero). she...
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