
@KashafKardekar Thank you so much Kashaf for your kind words❤️ it means alot to me. 
          Okay, I will try to give the date of next update and add aesthetic 
          Thank you for ur suggestions , I will work on it. Offcourse not, infact I felt glad after reading ur message so there is no question raising of taking much time
          Thank you
          Lots of love 


Hey Kashaf!! I hope you are doing great❤️
          I noticed you have read the whole chapters of Aarambh till now, so I just wanted to know what are your reviews?? How far are you liking Aarambh? Is there any suggestion or review you want to share? I would love to hear it. 
          Who became ur favourite character? If there is any??
          Thank you so much for giving your kind time to Aarambh ☺️


@Triyama_universe i am on cloud nine seriously wait and amazing author just messaged me ohh myy goddd !!! Yes I m doing great but also missing dhairya×shourya and virath×kanika infact every character. You have written it so beautifully and make your audience glued to your story . Every second I think about what would happen in badminton match is Karthik and Ridhima going to be the next couple ?? But still I will wait for an amazing chapter . I would suggest that at the end of the chapter try to add chapter aesthetics so the readers would get more clear in their thoughts otherwise overall it's a very good read and also please try to give a tentative date of the next release so that the readers are waiting and won't go off the story !!! Waiting forward for spicy moments between dhaiya×shourya and kanika×virath . Thankyou author I hope I m not taking much of your time thank you so much ✨❤️