If you haven't followed her already, do it now because she has amazing content. Not only does she write incredibly well, Isabella is also one of the best human beings in my life that I know. Isabella is creative, I mean have you read her stuff? She knows how to draw too, and that's like the whole-packaged deal. I literally can't put it into enough words on how incredible I think she is because Isabella is just one of the miracles that we got. Isabella is so hard-working, despite what she'd deny. She works ambitiously for her audience, and cares for them so much. Isabella is also very fiesty, if she needs to be. She wields her weapon of sass like a pro. Even tho some people might throw a piss party(Haven't seen any hate about her haitus tho) about her small haitus, Isabella deserves a break. She's in advanced classes, DEFINITELY doesn't get enough sleep, or time to channel some relaxation into her system. So do me a HUGE favor: Love that little bean/cinnamon roll/babe-tactic babe/cutiepatootie/marshmallow like there's no tomorrow.