
Hellie is no longer the owner of this account, I am the new owner and I take care of this account, since Hellie no longer wnated it. 
          	My name is Quinn and I'm quite good friends with her, we've been friends for over 5 months now, so if you want to talk, you can send me a message. If you want to check up on Hellie, you can also send me a Message and I'll try to Message you back as soon as possible.


This is a hoe to follow without hesitation, bc she is sweet and such a cutie, like I will blush and giggle anytime she sends me a message and I will cry just knowing she actually exists.  She will be the girl to grab your butt and kiss you with passion. She's a cute lesbian who I am platonically in love with, She's the bestest friend I could ever get. I love and stan this hoe.
          Love you, Quinn. I love you and you deserve the world, you cutie.


@Bullworthless Ahhhhhhh, thank you so much, babe!! 


Hellie is no longer the owner of this account, I am the new owner and I take care of this account, since Hellie no longer wnated it. 
          My name is Quinn and I'm quite good friends with her, we've been friends for over 5 months now, so if you want to talk, you can send me a message. If you want to check up on Hellie, you can also send me a Message and I'll try to Message you back as soon as possible.


I honestly hate myself and none of you guys can change my perspective about myself. I hate myself so much it's impossible to change my own thoughts. I want to kill myself and just be someone else. I want to be someone totally new who has better friends, better parents, better health and a better life. I want to die. I don't want to be here anymore. But I'm too young to be depressed. I don't even know what to think anymore. Please help me, God.


@GoAwayPLES Å, vel når man får en E-post om noe jeg sier må man bare svare, haha
            Det var sarkasme om du ikke skjønte, veldig mange skjønner ikke når jeg ikke mener noe og er sarkastisk og jeg vil ikke at folk skal tro at jeg er frekk eller noe, det har skjedd noen få ganger...


@Kaspbraks_teapot Haha, fikk den her på e-posten min så jeg måtte bare svare.


@GoAwayPLES Jeg sliter med depresjon dessverre, og jeg prøver å snakke med folk om det, men de forteller meg bare at det er en fase eller så tror de ikke på meg. Jeg følt det sånn en stund og tør ikke engang å si det til bestevennen min, som jeg vanligvis sier alt til. Tusen takk for at du bryr deg, dude. Jeg har savna deg, tbh