
Yooo so it's been uhhh years? lol yeah I came back from the dead. So I came back to wattpad to read some splatoon fics, since I got back into splatoon due to splatoon 3 (the game is so much fun!)  Uh anyways yeah again life has been so busy! I transferred to a university, moved to a new house, made a ton of new friends and going out more often, I joined the kid's ministry at my church, broke up with my ex (but I'm single and ready to mingle now ) and yeah LOL. I really do want to continue my bobble mask fanfic haha and maybe my other fanfic too but we shall see   I uh also got into Genshin Impact too so maybe I'll post fanfics about my favorite genshin ship  we shall see (but probably not lol) Anyways I might update my bobble mask fanfic once this semester of school is over  it can be a little christmas gift 
          	As always, Stay Fresh!
          	-Kassandra <3


@Kassandra1011 I hear yea, college is rough. I've been having trouble finding the time to write for my story too.


Yooo so it's been uhhh years? lol yeah I came back from the dead. So I came back to wattpad to read some splatoon fics, since I got back into splatoon due to splatoon 3 (the game is so much fun!)  Uh anyways yeah again life has been so busy! I transferred to a university, moved to a new house, made a ton of new friends and going out more often, I joined the kid's ministry at my church, broke up with my ex (but I'm single and ready to mingle now ) and yeah LOL. I really do want to continue my bobble mask fanfic haha and maybe my other fanfic too but we shall see   I uh also got into Genshin Impact too so maybe I'll post fanfics about my favorite genshin ship  we shall see (but probably not lol) Anyways I might update my bobble mask fanfic once this semester of school is over  it can be a little christmas gift 
          As always, Stay Fresh!
          -Kassandra <3


@Kassandra1011 I hear yea, college is rough. I've been having trouble finding the time to write for my story too.


Uhhh hello to however still follows me. Uh yeah I haven't been on here for a long time and I'm sorry. A ton of things happened. College is a pain in my rear end and transferring is hard lol. I also got covid in December of 2020 haha that was a bed Christmas but uh anyways sorry for keeping you guys waiting. I'm going to try to update more often now. It's just been a roller coaster for me. Have you seen the splatoon 3 trailer? Looks cool! I uh also got into the Half-Life series  old game but sooo much fun and the story is amazing. Uh anyways yeah back to updating chapters. Still got to finished my Bobble x Mask one. And apparently a handful of you still want me to continue my first fanfiction? Man it's been so long, I forgot how that story goes lmao. I mean if you want, I guess I could finished that one, but I wrote that during high school lol so its kinda cringe but if you guys really want me to, I guess I could try. Anyways thats all I have to say. If uh you love Half-Life  hit me up. I wanna talk to people about the game but there doesn't seem to be many people how are obsessed with it like me. Ah I got off topic again lol sorry. Anyways yeah that's all I have to say. Oh, I also have a YouTube channel and Instagram in case you wanna follow me there. I'm more active on those platforms lol.
          Link to Instagram: https://instagram.com/kassandra101s_art?igshid=v8hslkvq40tq
          Link to Youtube:


@GoldenSilver28 haha ok ill try my best




Hello I love your books,
           so how's the next chapter coming along?


Oh no its fine, and I'm sorry to hear about you're family member I hope they get better,
            Good hear you're doing great!


@SplatoonsEevee next chapter is coming along great. I know it's been a while and I'm sorry about that. I have summer school and I had to deal with family member with COVID but it should be out in a few days :D


Hey so like long time no talk haha anyways I don't think I'm gonna update my first story. I kinda ran out of ideas but if I somehow do come up with some, I'll update it. For now, I wanna make a bobble x mask fanfic as soon as I'm done with finals and such yeet. So stick around for that lmao