
From what we can see at this point in the story, Lily has caused some "problems" for Viserys, even though she is a child she has already "caused a riot". Do they and Alicent worry or do they think that the more Lily grows up she will become more "problematic" in her issues? Just like the teenage Rhaenyra, or worse?
          Was Viserys at least a little worried about the assassination attempt on Lilyanna?
          Did Viserys know that Lilyanna hates him and blames him for Elaera's death?
          When I reread the story, what I always find myself thinking is that even though she was not the first born, Lily being the middle child, and being considered an "abomination", she was the one who really made Alicent a real mother, awakening her maternal instinct.
          Lilyanna is spending a lot of time with the mushroom lol, they are best friends, but this makes me wonder if Alicent intends or has already made some attempts for Lily to have a lady-in-waiting or some noble child as a friend?
          Again, when I reread the part about the birth, how Rhaenyra was by Alicent's side, how she worried and protected her and supported her, it was really cute as a couple, who needs a father if green children have two mothers lol
          Does Lily miss any other food from her world? Besides coffee? I'm asking this because I don't think I could last much longer without my favorite food/chocolate
          Is Lilyanna interested in recreating objects or inventions more for leisure and entertainment or well-being? After all, many of the first inventions were only for nobles who had the money and status to use and enjoy them.
          But to be honest, it must have been really boring to live in the Middle Ages, and really difficult compared to the day-to-day life she lived in the modern era, I'm saying this because the first thing I would miss the most would be electricity.


@RenaEtiel 1) There is definitely the worry that Lilyanna will become more willful and cause trouble as she gets older, but I don't think that Alicent and Viserys think she will be just like young Rhaenyra
            2) Viserys was worried, his child almost died. But I do think his worry was not that large, especially compared to what it would have been if it was Rhaenyra who was almost killed by an assassin.
            3) Viserys doesn't think Lilyanna hates him, but he knows that Lilyanna does not like him.
            4) Lilyanna definitely did awaken those maternal instincts in Alicent. I imagine that it was a wake up call, and because she was treating Lilyanna the way she did, it made her treat Aegon and Helaena (and later Aemond and Daeron) the same way.
            5) Lilyanna and Mushroom are best friends, and Alicent hates it. I haven't touched on it yet, but I will go into Alicent trying to get friends for her children, especially Lilyanna. But I Lilyanna and her siblings either struggle making friends with the other children in the Keep or have little interest in making friends.
            6) Lilyanna misses a lot of modern things, especially the food. And as a former doctor she misses coffee the most.
            7) She does have some interest in recreating objects and inventions, but not that much, only those that further her own goals and desires at the moment.
            8) It would be boring af to be someone from toady in medieval times. I think I would lose my mind after the first couple of days.


Will Lilyanna still use the printing press?
          Is she interested in recreating works and books from her world for Westeros?


@RenaEtiel The printing press will come back to focus in this story eventually, just not for a while.
            I had not thought of Lilyanna transcribing stories and books from her world, but that seems like a cool idea.


Wow.... this last chapter was wonderful, full of emotion and tension, it was very funny in several parts, like the silly fights between the two twins, how Lily can be very sarcastic, and have very acidic responses to Deamon.
          As Helaena protects Lily from Demon's intimidation and castrates her, his reaction was very funny, and especially Hely being super cute, I would like to be able to see the pair of twins interacting more, and maybe playing in the same way they play with their nephews and brothers.
          Lily and Hely will still have to think a lot to give Alicent a good excuse, but I think that after that she will be much more protective of them, this also means that Lilyanna will have more difficulties in being able to go unnoticed lol.
          Now that Helaena's secret is out, I hope no one tries to use her and Lily as tools, especially the three assholes: Viserys, Deamon, Otto.
          I really want to see Lilyanna interacting with Vhagar and Caraxes...


@RenaEtiel I'm glad you liked this chapter. I was trying to male sure that everything would be thrilling enough while keeping with what I think would realistically happen between the characters.
            There will be more interactions between the twins and all of the children going forward.
            Helaena and Lilyanna definitely got Alicent worried, trying to give their mother grey hairs. And with Helaena's secret now out, she's going to be getting a lot more attention from people that may not have her best interests at heart.
            And I will say that Lilyanna will interact with Vhagar and Caraxes in the next chapter!


Dude, I was rereading Crimson Dragon, again and when I got to the part about Lily's birth, and how she didn't cry at birth, it just reminds me of the "queen never cry" meme and I started laughing so hard


@RenaEtiel All that missing is Alicent crossing her arms before Lily was handed to her and saying 'queens never cry' 


These last chapters were wonderful! and I would like to comment on several things, such as: if they gave Lily more freedom, she could create an industrial revolution in Westeros.
           I found Rhaenys and Malerys' reaction to Lily very amusing, I'm looking forward to more reactions from other knights and their dragons.
           Viserys continues to be a shitty father to all of his children.
           Lily teaching and playing football to her nephews and brothers was very cute, and very interesting, because after all there are so many entertainment options besides tournaments, which are very violent, I would like to see her teaching other sports and games to the boys and Helena.
           I'm glad to know that commoners love Lily.


@RenaEtiel Lilyanna would create an industrial revolution if given the chance, but that would also be bad news for a system that strives on keeping those at the bottom subservient to those at the top
            Lilyanna’s brain is too strong.
            Lilyanna is not done when it comes to meeting dragons (I will say that Vhagar is my favorite)
            Viserys...... he tries? His efforts are not good, but they exist so I guess that counts (It doesn't)
            When it comes to football, I wanted to show Lilyanna bringing more of the things from her 1st life to Westeros, especially those that wouldn't be considered necessary. And you're right, a lot of the entertainment in Westeros is violent, or sexual or somehow both.
            And I wanted to show Lilyanna enjoying these things with her siblings and nephews.


Is your update schedule random? Just want to know


Okay gotcha just checking Idc how long I have to wait I’ll reread it over and over


@WhYNotOrange Yea, pretty much. I try to update my stories every month but sometimes it takes longer depending if I can figure out what to write