@jnh0303 the first thing you should know is that a spell shouldnt be casted just for the sake of it, it may not work and after a while, may drain you. I would start off with simple protection spells for yourself or your room/house. Here is one to protect your altar.
"Where candles flicker and prayers are said, Where salt cleanses white and incense burn red, May this spell protect and heal, At all times of the turning wheel, May the Lord and Lady together, Bless this altar forever, No matter what the moon or weather. So mote it be!"
Something you can practice with are prayers, morning and night. These should be personally written by you to ask the gods/goddesses for what you need to help you through the day: strength, courage, happiness, health, luck, dreams, etc. And you say them at morning and night before bed and before you start the day. :)