
New chapter coming out tomorrow!


A garden does not grow with a single flower. A rose, in all its beauty and grace, is infinitely more beautiful in a bouquet. The Rose Gold Community strives to include any and all flowers who are willing to join to create a harmonious meadow of love, light, and laughter. Bask in the golden glow of the cascading sunlight, and reach your leaves to the sky with our flourishing community. We radiate life, loyalty, friends, goals, and positivity, encompassing all in our values and spreading them to the world.
          Everyone possesses latent power and uniqueness. We encourage everyone to reach their full potential, no matter who you are or where you come from. So as long as you have the heart, passion, and dedication, the Rose Gold Community welcomes you with open arms, and a brilliant array of flora for all to enjoy!


Thanks for the follow ❤❤❤


@Kat2018-2019 or if you think I should continue it


If you only get out of bed because someone else cry for you too
          Then what is the point of getting up?
          What is the point of living if YOU don't want to?
          If you only live for others what is the point.


Don’t say that people have their ups and downs but you will get through it. I know 2020 was it a year for everybody. In my opinion, I think everyone should be thankful for the people that you have in your life. I know some people don’t have anybody but you have the people that read your stories so you should use them to connect with other people when you’re down. Because we’re gonna be going through the same thing that you’re going through so it’s good to talk to other people. I hope you’re OK!! If you need someone to talk to I’m here for you.