
Hello peoples! I am currently writing what is basically a diary. It is to help release my own tensions, thoughts, and feelings. It's also up for discussion. I have some controversial ideas and thoughts and I love communicating with people and understanding how they think and feel.  So if you read it, you don't have to, and you disagree, definitely comment and tell me why. Or ask questions. Or agree. Whatever. I think it would be a ton of fun, honestly. I am also not the best writing in the world, clearly. My grammar is awful. So I will edit everything at the end and if anyone wants the opportunity to edit anything of mine, just PM me.  Anyways, have an awesome day!


Hello peoples! I am currently writing what is basically a diary. It is to help release my own tensions, thoughts, and feelings. It's also up for discussion. I have some controversial ideas and thoughts and I love communicating with people and understanding how they think and feel.  So if you read it, you don't have to, and you disagree, definitely comment and tell me why. Or ask questions. Or agree. Whatever. I think it would be a ton of fun, honestly. I am also not the best writing in the world, clearly. My grammar is awful. So I will edit everything at the end and if anyone wants the opportunity to edit anything of mine, just PM me.  Anyways, have an awesome day!


Sorry it's been so long since I last posted anything but today I just posted chapter 4 of my second story. I hope you all like it and yes i know there are grammar and spelling mistakes and other things I will eventually need to fix. But first I want to get through writing this before I look every part of it over. Thanks for reading!


at first i didn't realise that it could actually be helpful, it was a reality check when I got numerous comments from QuertySaah. that's nice of you to say, i hope you enjoy them :) i've noticed you've posted chapter 2, i'll be reading :)