
I love how depending on the fic you read in the owl house fandom apple blood is either treated as coffee or alcohol and, no matter which it is, Eda is depicted as having an extremely unhealthy relationship with it. I love that about this fandom lol.


@KatBQ3 I don't really read TOH stuff on here tho I'm very picky about what I'll read for this fandom so it's mostly AO3 because there I can use filters


I love how depending on the fic you read in the owl house fandom apple blood is either treated as coffee or alcohol and, no matter which it is, Eda is depicted as having an extremely unhealthy relationship with it. I love that about this fandom lol.


@KatBQ3 I don't really read TOH stuff on here tho I'm very picky about what I'll read for this fandom so it's mostly AO3 because there I can use filters


God. It is SO profound to know that thousands upon thousands of years of life lived has happened everywhere. No matter where you go lives began there, lives were spent there, and lives came to an end there. And when I say that I mean it in the most positive way possible. That is a beautiful concept in my opinion, that is more powerful in my mind than anything theological ever could be.


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Oh! Have I got a thing to share! I was gonna tell this story way sooner but I forgot and I kinda wanted to wait until I made a Tumblr blog for my fandom stuff, but I don't wanna wait so I'll just put it over there too eventually. Cool? Cool.
          I was at a sleepover at a friend's house for Halloween weekend which was fun. So, I was rereading one of my favorite fucking Sanders Sides fics on this app before sleeping.  Both nights. On that  Friday night (the first night) she was also up late reading but SHE was reading a real book on her Kindle while I was reading a prinxiety Christmas fic. (Yes I was reading a Christmas fic in October. No I'm not obsessed with Christmas I am obsessed with Halloween, it's just a really good fic okay?) Anyway point is while we were both minding our own business, reading our things, she randomly asked if I was also reading. Which I was, so I said yes.
          But what I was not prepared for is that the next morning she would casually ask me "so what book were you reading?" A perfectly fine question for her, a terrifying question for me. Now, I like to think I'm good at lying on the fly. And I usually can. But all I was thinking about when she asked me this was the anime we were watching and the tater tots we were having for breakfast. So I panicked and hit the lie on the spot roulette button. Which landed on "act" for SOME REASON. It COULD have been "immediate response, no think" like, all I had to do was spit out the first book that came to mind. 
          But instead I'm all 
          -squints suspiciously at potato toddlers -extremely troubled "uhhhh..." 
          -Lifts head up to stare at piano across the room instead 
          -throws head back to analyze the little bumps on the ceiling
          -"would you believe me if I said I don't remember?"
          AND SHE INSTANTLY SAYS "yes. That makes total sense coming from you. Let me know when you remember." SO THERE'S THAT 


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Oh also I was Virgil for Halloween, I loved it, my mom and I made the costume together it's great. I'm actually wearing the hoodie right now cause it's comfy as fuck


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I just- that was one of my worst "fuck. I can't just say I was reading a fanfic. Lie. Lie now. JUST FUCKING LIE" or at least I think it was, but I guess I know how to mimic my ~attempting to remember something~ noises well enough to fool even those who have known me longer than either of us can actually remember. Good to know. I guess.


Ah, marriage, the construct that of which I have the most complicated feelings about.
          See, as a kid, I just thought marriage was inevitable, everyone does it in the end. Like, I knew there was a choice in the matter, but I guess I just never applied that to myself? I don't know? I mean, I had daydreams about marrying a boy one day, but, hindsight is 20/20 and I now recognize that I always felt guilty when doing so. Why? I don't know. Maybe I felt bad for always thinking so much about how much it could cost. Maybe  I just knew something about that wasn't what I wanted.
          But when I started questioning my sexuality and I realized *I* can be the one to propose I started to feel a little less apathetic about it. But by then I was already an atheist and knew that marriage is a religious concept I'm not comfortable with and that it's used to force couples to go into debt just so that if one of them lands themselves in the hospital the other is allowed to visit them because you won't be if you're not legally recognized as family in some instances. I was in no way comfortable with those but knew the second one was something I'd end up needing it because of. I don't exactly want to have a overly religious wedding, but I would be willing to do something small that included some religious aspects, just not fully centered around god.
          Then there's the fact that I'm ace and pan and prefer to date other acespecs rather than deal with dating an allo.
          So yeah, marriage is too complicated. Fuckin' hell...


Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I just tried to explain to my dear mother that the phrase "communist country" is an oxymoron because communism is a stateless, classless, society and she told me I was wrong and that I couldn't know about this stuff because I didn't live it. I said, "mom, you didn't live through communism either, it's a stateless, classless, society, which has never been achieved before" AND THEN SHE PROCEEDED TO LECTURE ME ON THE COLD WAR which was not a fight between capitalism and communism (American schools will tell you it was) but a fight between two fascist countries, one also happened to be capitalist and one was masquerading as communism. 
          But hey! She also thinks England is a socialist country and that real socialism is actually communism. So clearly the capitalist propaganda ingrained into our school system worked on her. 
          Oh by the way that whole conversation transpired because I said I wish Bernie had won the primaries. 
          Anyway, my dearest mother doesn't know this (and if all goes right she won't until I'm 18) but she raised a dirty little commie. Anarcho communist, to be specific.


So. Ah, few things. First; Clarification, my mom is a progressive I said I wished Bernie Sanders would have won the primaries, she agreed that that would have been nice, then the conversation continued, somehow got led to the topic of socialism and that led to communism. Second; I'm not an anacho communist anymore. I think I'd say I'm more of a democratic socialist now, but my points still stand about the fact that "communist country" as a phrase is an oxymoron and the fact that the American school system is absolutely packed full to the brim with propaganda.  So yeah, just had to say that.


Ace terms;
          Asexual: a person who doesn't feel sexual attraction, this may mean they are fully repulsed by it. Or, they may actually partake in acts of such caliber for personal reasons.
          Grey-asexual: someone who feels sexual attraction on rare occasion. 
          Demi-sexual: someone who only feels sexual attraction after they've formed an emotional connection with a person. (Now wait, I know what you're thinking, no, that is not "jUsT tHe WaY eVeRyOnE wOrKs." They are literally incapable of feeling that attraction until that point.)
          Aromatic: this is someone who doesn't feel romantic attraction. They may feel sexual attraction (depends on the person). And they DO feel other kinds of love, just not romantic love. 
          Now, asexuality is a spectrum, and there's a lot more on it than just what I've listed, and aromatisisem is a spectrum of it's own, but these are some of the most common terms used.

