Ah, marriage, the construct that of which I have the most complicated feelings about.
See, as a kid, I just thought marriage was inevitable, everyone does it in the end. Like, I knew there was a choice in the matter, but I guess I just never applied that to myself? I don't know? I mean, I had daydreams about marrying a boy one day, but, hindsight is 20/20 and I now recognize that I always felt guilty when doing so. Why? I don't know. Maybe I felt bad for always thinking so much about how much it could cost. Maybe I just knew something about that wasn't what I wanted.
But when I started questioning my sexuality and I realized *I* can be the one to propose I started to feel a little less apathetic about it. But by then I was already an atheist and knew that marriage is a religious concept I'm not comfortable with and that it's used to force couples to go into debt just so that if one of them lands themselves in the hospital the other is allowed to visit them because you won't be if you're not legally recognized as family in some instances. I was in no way comfortable with those but knew the second one was something I'd end up needing it because of. I don't exactly want to have a overly religious wedding, but I would be willing to do something small that included some religious aspects, just not fully centered around god.
Then there's the fact that I'm ace and pan and prefer to date other acespecs rather than deal with dating an allo.
So yeah, marriage is too complicated. Fuckin' hell...