
Hey guys! Sorry about the lack of chapters recently. I have been swamped with school work, my job, and never enough time in the day. 
          	So with that said, when I can get chapters out they will be out. Otherwise, they are just on a little pause. 
          	If there is any book you would like updated, let me know. Sometimes when people want something it motivates me so please let me know what stories I should continue. 


Hey guys! Sorry about the lack of chapters recently. I have been swamped with school work, my job, and never enough time in the day. 
          So with that said, when I can get chapters out they will be out. Otherwise, they are just on a little pause. 
          If there is any book you would like updated, let me know. Sometimes when people want something it motivates me so please let me know what stories I should continue. 


I’ve taken a few days to think about the whole situation... None of this should ever have happened. George Floyd should have never been put into the position where he asphyxiated. Police shouldn’t exercise extreme power to control people when people are protesting peacefully and they are using excessive force to those doing nothing. People have the right to protest yet many people I see on social media think that it is wrong for them to do so. They have the right to protest the death of one of their own. 
          I stand with #BlackLivesMatter . Everyone matters, all of them do, but we need equality across ALL races, ALL genders, and ALL identities. 
          I know this is a small post but it needs to be said no matter how small it is. Don’t let racism and sexism and classism destroy the world...


Hey all! How is quarantine treating you? For me, it has been more or less the same for the past month. Lots of schoolwork, mixed in with tired days and energetic nights. Thankfully there have been some movies I can watch, youtube and twitch too. It is obviously not the funnest of times, but I am doing what I can to help.
          Now, to those who want to open up because of many reasons, whether that be that their 'God' has told them it needs to be open or for their political sponsor, please rethink what you are doing. I have been refraining myself from blasting at some of my ignorant family members who are complaining that their summer plans for vacation have been ruined. If you think that the world revolves around you...WAKE UP.
          WAKE UP. If you think that you are better than anyone else, just know that if you catch COVID 19 and die from it, guess what grave you end in? The same one as everyone else. 
          I am sick and tired of people being so selfish during all of this. And to those protesting during all this for gun rights (which would never be taken away, just partially limited so your kid can't just walk to Walmart and buy a Glock), promoting false ideas (vaccines cause autism, big pharma, etc), and to Trump taking this time to fuel these ideas too...it is sickening. 
          To quote Martin Luther King Jr. "Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity"
          Now, to the medical professionals and essential workers keeping our countries going. You are needed and please, stay safe when possible!
          As for me, I have an APUSH test Friday so I am hoping it will go smoothly. In addition, the school year is a couple weeks away. Not that much will be changing though.
          Stay safe everyone!


Hey everyone! Long time no talk! I hope you are staying safe, staying home, washing your hands, all that. School for me has been put into online learning, so more time for me to do some writing and to do the endless homework. 
          Please stay home if you can. If you are a medical professional fighting this...thank you so much. The risk you are taking, the stress you are facing, thank you. You don’t understand how much we thank you and need you in this dire time. 


I just came back from seeing The Rise of Skywalker. Honestly, people gave so much crap on it but I honestly enjoyed it. There was a lot going on, not gonna lie. If you have seen the movie, you know what parts I am talking about. So many twists and I was surprised at the end (well really, the entire last 10-15 minutes were pretty great in my opinion).
          I would give it a solid 9/10. If you've seen it, let me know how you felt about it or how you would rate it.


Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that you all got what you wished and dreamed for! I’ll be releasing 2 chapters for Powers of the Forgotten Goddess later, so stay tuned for that. Possibly a chapter or 2 for The Glass Weaver as well. 


I had a great birthday today! Despite having homework to do, celebrating with my family was enough for me. I really do care about them so I hope that one day I can give back what they did for me. 
          Happy December everyone! I’m still working on some chapters so when I get a few done for both of my books, I’ll release them weekly again.