
Hey, everyone! 
          	I finished my first manuscript of The Voodoo Bell yesterday! 
          	I will begin the tedious process of hard editing tonight and hope to get it polished up by the end of next week. Please, please give it a read if you have time. I am so excited to share this story with you all!


Hey, everyone! 
          I finished my first manuscript of The Voodoo Bell yesterday! 
          I will begin the tedious process of hard editing tonight and hope to get it polished up by the end of next week. Please, please give it a read if you have time. I am so excited to share this story with you all!


Well, guys.... I may be late getting this new chapter posted. I'm sick and it's just not flowing out well when I have to stop to cough every few seconds. 
          I'll try to have something for you by tomorrow. Thanks for staying with me!


@KatLu2216  Hi would you check out my story The Guardians,  you will like it :)