
The Illusionists made the long list!!!!


Hi Kat! Sorry I haven’t gotten my second chapter of Song of the Stars up yet for you to read/review for the Dream Club. Totally my fault and I left a note to tell them that. Hoping to have it up early this coming week. Life always seems to get in the way of my writing time...hope you’ve had a good weekend. I’m enjoying Illusionists! :-) -Stacie 


@KatTheGrimm Thank  you! :-) Brewing the coffee now....happy writing.


@spacetodream no problem. Take your time I will be reading more, especially since you've included music in your book


Hi Kat! I see we are paired in the ONC Dream Club. I’ve got my first chapter posted - and will hopefully follow with the second by mid-week. Thank you for supporting ONC writers! I look forward to reading your story. :-) -Stacie