Well, hello there. Hi, I'm Kat, the Wattpad community knows me best as the author of Drop Dead Gorgeous and The Devil Likes Lemon Cupcakes. I feel really bad for visiting this site like once a year, and honestly I do it so rarely because I'm kind of embarrassed of the stories I've written on here - I know my writing style in them is childish, the plot and characters, as well.
But, when I do visit Wattpad, I'm always welcomed by your kind messages and warm words. I can't believe some of my novels are sort of considered 'wattpad classics' now haha. Anyhow, I just really wanted to thank you all for reading my books, for liking my books, even though they are so very cheesy, thank you so much for all your kindness throughout the years.
My lovely readers, I hope you're having beautiful holidays, wherever on this planet you are, and I hope we all find the year 2021 to be the year of comfort, healing and love.
I'm sending you snowy kisses from Slovenia <3