
Hi readers,
          	I am leaving tonight to work out of the country for a few weeks.  Our schedule was moved up due to Covid, so I will be unable to update "White Horse, Black Dog" for several weeks. I know I am leaving you all on a huge cliff-hanger and I am so sorry.  I really tried to get one more chapter in before I left, but time just got away from me.  I really hope you will rejoin the story after I get back as we only have a few more chapters to go until we solve the mystery and kick off a new beginning between MaxTul - free from guilt, secrets and serial killers.
          	On another note, I am putting "Glamor" on indefinite hiatus, I seemed to have lost my muse on this one - as I have another story already pushing it's way into my brain, so once I finish WHBD, I will introduce you to my newest story - "Sweet Water"
          	Please don't abandon me! I promise to make the wait worth it!!!


@JuliaAnderson58  thanks Julia!  Hugs. 


@KatSueSho Have a safe trip Kat.. I will wait for you <3


@KatSueSho hope you enjoy them! I'll try and pound out another later today! ❤❤❤


Hi readers,
          I am leaving tonight to work out of the country for a few weeks.  Our schedule was moved up due to Covid, so I will be unable to update "White Horse, Black Dog" for several weeks. I know I am leaving you all on a huge cliff-hanger and I am so sorry.  I really tried to get one more chapter in before I left, but time just got away from me.  I really hope you will rejoin the story after I get back as we only have a few more chapters to go until we solve the mystery and kick off a new beginning between MaxTul - free from guilt, secrets and serial killers.
          On another note, I am putting "Glamor" on indefinite hiatus, I seemed to have lost my muse on this one - as I have another story already pushing it's way into my brain, so once I finish WHBD, I will introduce you to my newest story - "Sweet Water"
          Please don't abandon me! I promise to make the wait worth it!!!


@JuliaAnderson58  thanks Julia!  Hugs. 


@KatSueSho Have a safe trip Kat.. I will wait for you <3


@KatSueSho hope you enjoy them! I'll try and pound out another later today! ❤❤❤


Hi Sorry i have a Quick question 
          Who Is your new story about ? Saint? 


You know me - I always include Saint somewhere in the mix.  I love him & think he’s a good addition for MaxTul ( but he will never be a love interest for either of them). 


It’s actually about all 3 of them. 
            Max & Tul are the babies born in beginning of Chapter 2.  Then it time jumps to their 21st birthday celebration.  Next chapter a lot more MaxTul & Saint kinda goes more into the background for a bit, but he’s important to the story so I wanted to focus on him before it switched to MaxTul 


Hi readers,
          Knee surgery on Friday went well & I was actually able to write a bit yesterday.  Not feeling so great today as the pain has increased a bit, but hoping I can get some thoughts down sometime today or tomorrow.  I’m really excited about the new story & can’t wait to share it with you!


@ KatSueSho  happy to hear that your surgery went well. Wishing you a speedy, and as painless as possible, recovery. I was so glad to see an update, will be waiting patiently for more! Take care of yourself ❤


@KatSueSho Hey dear, please take good care. Infact I would suggest you to rest more.


@KatSueSho Glad to hear that the surgery went well. I hope the medication can reduce your pain and also thank you for the new chapter. I am also excited to see your masterpiece soon. *hug back* ♥♥


Hi readers,
          Just a quick note to let you know that I will be taking a hiatus for a few weeks as I recover from knee surgery and go through PT.  I can't wait to get back into writing "White Horse. Black Dog".  I think you guys will enjoy the new Max/Tul adventure (of course, Saint will be coming along for the ride).  See you in a few weeks!


@KatSueSho PT isn't fun but it works! And hugs help the healing process! ☺ I know it does fir me ❤❤❤


@chocolatewithtea Thank you! Not looking forward to the PT, but I know I will get relief in the long run. Thanks for the hugs! ❤️


I’ve had a new idea for a BL ship anthology bouncing around in my head for awhile.  It would be something like The ABC’s of BL.  It would be 26 one shot stories tied to a different letter of the alphabet featuring a BL ship.  Some would be established ships while others would be sunk ships, ghost ships or even crack ships.  Stories would range from fun & fluffy to dark & angsty.  Is this something you might be interested in reading? 


Thank you!  I already have some story ideas.  I just need to find some time to get them on paper.  Thanks so much for your support.  It’s really appreciated 


@KatSueSho That would be awesome! I'm interested hihe