Hey Kat! I'm not sure if you've even posted on here in the last few months but I am just messaging to ask if maybe you could do a one-shot of Jesse's and Kix's close friend relationship? I recently saw a fanart on Pinterest of Jesse holding onto Kix as Kix cried and had red blood stains on his hands and I was just wondering if maybe you could corporate that into a short story at all? I want to try making one myself but I don't find my writing as skilled as yours but thanks so much I just really admire your work and would love to see more interaction between Kix and Jesse like the one one-shot of Rex and Cody in the hanger bay. Thanks again if you read this and I hope you have a lovely holiday season!

Thank you so much and I hope you get past any writers block and write another amazing piece!

Hello Ella! I’ve been struggling with motivation to write recently- hence my absence of posts, but this prompt would be so good to write about!! I could totally write about Kix and Jesse and I could definitely incorporate that picture you saw too. Honestly, your message has made my day! Thank you so much! I’ll definitely try and get started on writing a good Jesse/Kix fic for you! <3