
Hey guys! It's summer time, but unlike most students school is not quite over for me. I have summer classes and other responsibilities... So I may or may not update my stories, but I will definitely try. I have a bunch of half-written chapters that I need to finish which hopefully I can get to soon.   -</3 K


Hey guys! It's summer time, but unlike most students school is not quite over for me. I have summer classes and other responsibilities... So I may or may not update my stories, but I will definitely try. I have a bunch of half-written chapters that I need to finish which hopefully I can get to soon.   -</3 K


My hard-drive broke, so I have to take a break from writing and see what (if anything) I can recover from it. I hate doing this, but I have to take a break from writing for the time being. I'll get back to updating as soon as possible, but it might take a week or two.
          I'm sorry and this definitely wasn't planned, so please don't hate!
          K </3