
No because I just read a cringe todoroki x y/n fanfic


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Random out of nowhere incorrect quotes Featuring fandoms I'm in Original works And my school
          Max: Where are you going?
          Thomas: To get ice cream or commit a felony, I’ll decide on the way there
          Briar: Are you a cuddler?
          Victor: I'm a machine of death and destruction.
          Victor: ...Yeah, I'm a cuddler.
          Kate: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.
          Krista: Did you hear that!? Elizabeth just threatened to destroy my lego AT-AT!
          Tommy: ...You just threatened to kill them in their sleep.
          Jeremy: Don't worry, I have a few guns up my sleeves.
          Jennifer: You mean tricks?
          Jeremy, shaking a small armory out of their sleeves: I did not.
          Victor: Did it hurt when you fell-
          Wilbur: From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt-
          Victor: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs.
          Wilbur: ...
          Victor: You just laid there for 15 minutes.
          Henry: Hey there demons, It's me, ya boi.
          Sophia: Henry, NO!
          Victor, tearing up the room: Where are they?
          Victor, looking under a pillow: Who moved them? Who moved my children?
          Victor: Somebody moved my M&M's, and now I am going to start killing.
          Thomas, at Coraline's funeral: I need a moment with them.
          Everyone: Of course. *They leave*
          Thomas, leaning over Coraline′s coffin: Okay, listen here you little shit. I know you’re not dead.
          Coraline: Yeah, no shit


@KateJones1234678  wow how original making an incorrect quotes post just please give up all ready!


"You'll learn to hold your tongue in my presence......."
          Give this context I will wait


"You will learn to hold your tongue in my presence..." warned Elmo as he threatened Dora with a freshly sharpened spoon. "I've had about enough of your annoying voice asking where thing are! They're right behind you! Every time!" Elmo yelled, his eye twitching. "Elmo no care that your a child! He will scoop your non stuffing out!" He snarled. Dora cowered in fear. "E-Elmo no scooping?" Elmo was quiet for a moment. "AHHHHHHHHH!" 


It's my birthday!


Happy birthday 