
Happy New-year, hope you have a great day and God bless you, thank you for following me ^^ 


˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥ ꒰ ⌨︎ ✰ Red ⁱˢ ᵗʸᵖⁱⁿᵍ··· ꒱ | ೃ࿔₊•
          ᴵ ʷⁱˡˡ ᵈᵉˢᶜʳⁱᵇᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ⁱⁿ ²⁶ ʷᵒʳᵈˢ.
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Aɱαȥιɳɠ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Ⴆҽαυƚιϝυʅ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ ƈαɾιɳɠ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ ԃҽαɾʅყ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ ҽυρԋσɾια
          Yσυ'ɾҽ ϝαɳƚαʂƚιƈ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ ɠɾҽαƚ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ ԋαʅƈყσɳ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ ιɳʋιɳƈιႦʅҽ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ ʝυႦιʅαƚισɳ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ ƙιɳԃ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Lσʋҽʅყ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Mαɠιƈαʅ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Nσƚ υʂҽʅҽʂʂ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Oʋҽɾɯԋҽʅɱιɳɠ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Pʅҽαʂιɳɠ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Qυαʅιƚყ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Rαԃιαɳƚ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Sɱαɾƚ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Tαʅҽɳƚҽԃ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Uɳιϙυҽ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Vαʅιαɳƚ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Mσɾҽ ƚԋαɳ ɯԋαƚ ყσυ ƚԋιɳƙ ყσυ αɾҽ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Xҽɳιαʅ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ Yσυƚԋϝυʅ
          Yσυ'ɾҽ ZҽʝʝҽƙҽʝҽԃʅʂɱʂҽσҽɳʂɱʂαɳԃσʂραʅƙɳɯαʝʂσʂƙԃɱԃʝιԃιʂƙʂɳʂԋʂσασσA+B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J+K+L+M+N+O+P+Q+R+S+T+U+V+W+X+Y+Z ƈσɱႦιɳҽԃԃԃԃԃԃԃԃԃԃʂ
          I wuv u!! ❤️❤️
          ...ραʂʂ ƚԋιʂ ƚσ ʂσɱҽσɳҽ ρɾҽƈισυʂ ƚσ ყσυ.
          Thanks for the follow back by the way. ^^


※→ ....Rei is typing.... 
          I'll describe ya in 26 words. 
          You're amazing, 
          You're bootiful, 
          You're caring, 
          You're dearly, 
          You're euphoria, 
          You're fantastic, 
          You're great, 
          You're halcyon, 
          You're invincible, 
          You're jubilation, 
          You're kind, 
          You're lovely, 
          You're magical, (UR A UNICORN-) 
          You're not useless, 
          You're overwhelming 
          You're pleasing, 
          You're quality, 
          You're radiant 
          You're smart, 
          You're talented, 
          You're unique, 
          You're more that you think, 
          You're xenial, 
          You're youthful, 
          Zkccjdnaoanxbcndisjebwksixjxbcndjwj- jk. You're ze most precious human being. 
          ♪↯ Combined!!!! 
          Love chu, ♥♥♥♥♥♥
          Pass this on to people precious to you, ^^
          Have a nice day mah prendo


thxs for the follo^^


@Godthe_devil_penguin oh thank you for understanding, you look like Haizaki and Hiroto UwU I can edit you 