
(Read the mesage down first... Screw wattpad and maximal count of letters you can write in one if them...)


Ahoj! Vím asi si mě nepamatuješ...ale možná si spomeneš....jsem KysapelCZ...kdysi jsme se bavily na ripník aminů...ale to je jedno...jenom se tě chci zeptat...jsi pořád na aminů? Mohli by jsme si Někdy napsat :3 hodně jsem se změnila...ale to je jedno ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ jenom ti chci vysvětlit proč jsem tehdy zmizela z amina....aneb mi na jiném aminů zabanovali účet a já si ho musela změnit... Takže ano...teďka jsem ViolaCZ ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ ahuj :3


Ou aha :'D nevadí...ale vážně...bavili jsme se asi před 11 měsíci takže se nedivím ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌


@ViolaCZ  Ahoj. Promiň, že jsem ti neodepsala, na účtu @Kate_UT_OC už nejsem. Tvoje jménu mi něco říká, ale nemůžu si za nic vzpomenout ':D A amino nemám momentálně stažené a nemám na něj místo v mobilu...


I'd like to reconnect with all of you, but there are few people who I would really, REALLY appreciate still being friends with me. I will not name them, they are not more important than others, but I just have... stronger relationship with them, I guess... So, I'd love ya all visiting my new profile, but if you don't, I will take it. Thank you for being so wonderful people, thank you for your support, and thank you for being patient with my promises, which I never kept.... So sorry for that... I am glad I got to know you, and I am glad we didn't fight... Mostly... I will probably not read your stories anymore, but sometimes I'll visit profiles of you. Profiles of awsome people. Bye for now, see you on @RandomRandomness2005 hopefully! <3
               Sincerely, @Kate_UT_OC 
          (This is in english, because I have some not-czech speaking followers who I love equally to the czech speaking ones, so I wanted them to know everything too)


My dearest readers, it's been a while... I usually write everything in 'Info' but... This is REALLY important, and it's probably the last time you hear from me on this profile, so I need everyone to notice... So... What happened? At first I just needed to take a break, and get away from wattpad fir a while... Then I was super lazy to sign up again.. During that time I kinda stopped enjoying undertale that much and then completely fell out of the fandom. And because I know that most of my fans came to my profile because of undertale, I stopped being on wattpad at all. Then I became a part of a new fandom (which I will not name, but will put some reffernces here, I'm willing to wait for the first person who realizes what fandom it is...) and I made a new profile. It's @RandomRandmoness2005. You can follow me there if you want to talk.  But, I will not sign up on this account again, so you hear from me one last time now. Sorry for making some of you worried and for not completing any of my books. I will left them here if you want to read them... (Which I don't think you will but idk...) 


No one still got the refferences?