
          	I recently just compleated my second round of edits of the first book of a fantasy series I am writing. Before doing another round of edits, I would like to find 8-10 beta readers to read my work. I have started writing the second book and feel much better about the writing of the second book. I have to fix this. That is where you come in. 
          	1.I am looking for betas who like to read fantasy YA
          	2.have done some prior beta reading or reviewing
          	3. Have strong but constructive opinions. 
          	4. Are willing to answer questions about the text every few chapters
          	5. Are willing to engage in conversation about chapters after compleating them.
          	6. "Everyone has the chance to choose to be good" Shauna Flynn tells her ex-fiancé after she has to run from her home. Shauna and her sister Taytra came of age this year, which means it is time for them to be tested to see if they are a fritual. A descendent of a powerful elf able to control the elements. When Shauna's powers are revealed, her home is attacked by the Dark One's, a sect of elves that don't want their magic tainted by the blood of man. When the Dark Ones attack, she is forced to flee, while her family is held, hostage. She must find the other four Frituals, so they can bring their powers together and stop the reign of terror the Dark One's Magic will bring on the land. 
          	Currently resting just over 50k words
          	If this sounds interesting to you. Send me a message, and we can get in contact and discuss being one of my betas :)
          	*Note- this book has not yet been to an editor, it is in my plans but I wish to have plot and structure set in stone before paying to have changes made. If you have any grammar edits, I would love to hear them, but I am more looking for structure feedback right now.


          I recently just compleated my second round of edits of the first book of a fantasy series I am writing. Before doing another round of edits, I would like to find 8-10 beta readers to read my work. I have started writing the second book and feel much better about the writing of the second book. I have to fix this. That is where you come in. 
          1.I am looking for betas who like to read fantasy YA
          2.have done some prior beta reading or reviewing
          3. Have strong but constructive opinions. 
          4. Are willing to answer questions about the text every few chapters
          5. Are willing to engage in conversation about chapters after compleating them.
          6. "Everyone has the chance to choose to be good" Shauna Flynn tells her ex-fiancé after she has to run from her home. Shauna and her sister Taytra came of age this year, which means it is time for them to be tested to see if they are a fritual. A descendent of a powerful elf able to control the elements. When Shauna's powers are revealed, her home is attacked by the Dark One's, a sect of elves that don't want their magic tainted by the blood of man. When the Dark Ones attack, she is forced to flee, while her family is held, hostage. She must find the other four Frituals, so they can bring their powers together and stop the reign of terror the Dark One's Magic will bring on the land. 
          Currently resting just over 50k words
          If this sounds interesting to you. Send me a message, and we can get in contact and discuss being one of my betas :)
          *Note- this book has not yet been to an editor, it is in my plans but I wish to have plot and structure set in stone before paying to have changes made. If you have any grammar edits, I would love to hear them, but I am more looking for structure feedback right now.


Wow! I got on today and I had 75 followers at the beginning of the month I had 14 and they were all friends I knew! So thank you so much for coming over here to visit. I have 3 works, The Visions is the first book I wrote in 8th grade. Silver Manor is a book I have made an attempt to query though, no luck yet. Finally the Frituals is my current Wip. 
          If you didn't know I have a blog that I post reviews, writing updates and other fictions things every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Today I posted a review of A Court of Thorns and Roses. If you wanna check that out I would love to have a conversation about it be it here, over at http://thescripturient101.weebly.com/ or on my twitter at @scripturienting


Hi Everyone,
          I am looking for Beta Readers for my book Silver Manor. I am planning on sending it to an editor in time, so I am not looking for someone to copy edit, I am more looking for help with plot holes or things I might have missed. If you would like to help out shoot me a message and we can discuss things. :)